At Concor, we can take your press beyond its original capacity. Complete conversions can be engineered enabling you to produce a product that otherwise could not be possible. Most injection molding is done using 40%-60% of the rated capacity of the press. Attempting to mold outside that range can often be difficult.
Click here for our upsize / downsize worksheet
Downsize Conversions:
Too much shot capacity creates increased residence time, often resulting in processing problems. If switching to, or purchasing a smaller press is not feasible, let us design a new injection unit to fit your existing press. Mold size and residence time may not allow a given press to be used. Some materials are much more sensitive to excessive residence times. New screw, barrels, end cap, tip assembly, drive adapter, and retainer. It is important to still be able to remove the screw from the front side of the barrel. Hoppers relocated to eliminate long L/D ratio.
Upsize Conversions
When an increase in shot capacity is required, and a larger press is not available, Concor can upsize your injection unit. Whenever possible, Concor will use the existing barrel to provide additional cost savings. Considerations like barrel wall thickness, L/D ratio, screw drive torque and desired shot all need to be taken into account.
Thermoset Conversions
Thermoplastic presses can be converted to thermoset. The redesigned unit incorporates a water-jacketed barrel, new thermoset screw and end cap. Easily installed, it eliminates the need for an additional press. Screws can be designed for BMC, phenolic and polyester.