Concor supplies Maxi-Blast Pressure Blast Screw Cleaning Systems.
Cleaning extrusion and injection screw can be a very costly process in more ways than one. First, it is a very slow manual process that involves burning plastic; almost always without a ventilation hood to extract the hazardous decomposition gasses formed from burning plastic, which is harmful to employees. Second, most often very expensive screws with platings or coatings are damaged by using a wire wheel to literally grind off the tenacious residue, especially in the corners of the flights. Third, these processes are also very slow and time consuming; often 4-8 hours of wasteful, costly down time. However, a new process to clean screws has been developed by Maxi-Blast, Inc., of South Bend, Indiana. Maxi-Blast pioneered the cleaning of screws by non-abrasive sand blasting using plastic blast media. The granular particles of plastic are pressure blasted onto the surface of the screws, rapidly stripping any plastic residue while not causing any abrasion or degradation to the screw surface. Making this system even more appealing is that most screws can be cleaned in an average of 30 minutes, drastically cutting the cost of the operator hours and saving thousands of dollars annually in efficiency and in eliminating screw damage!
When cleaning screws by non-abrasive plastic media blasting, the plastic processor will first remove the screw and remove the majority of thick plastic on the screw with a putty knife, as is the normal practice. In other cases, the customer will use a purging compound to remove the majority of plastic. After this is accomplished, you place the screw on the specially designed trolley, roll it up to the side of the Maxi-Blast machine, push the screw into the blast cabinet interior, then simply begin to blast. It is also a very safe process as the blasting is in a steel cabinet enclosure; never out in the open. A cleaning of your screw can be arranged at no charge. You can either send the screw in and a video tape of the process will be made, or you can attend the demo and even do some blasting yourself. We look forward to working with you soon!